Water based solution, effective, cools and prevents reignition.     

Made by a unique formula.


Call  +386 356 14 720 for PROFESSIONAL advice!

Bonpet ampoule

"automatic fire extinguisher"

Bonpet grenade

"take and throw"

Bonpet spray

"fire-fighting made simple"

Bonpet automatic extinguisher   

"added dimension of usability"

  Bonpet classic extinguisher

"specialist against oils and fats"

 Bonpet trailer

"mobile extinguishing"

"Min​i" st​able system

"ideal for kitchens and smaller spaces"

Fixed-fire safety system

"the ultimate solution for bigger spaces"


Live presentations of our fire-fighting solutions.

Extinguishing with ampoule 
 demo with ampoule

Extinguishing with extinguishers 

demo from training center

Stable system 

extinguishing with liquid

Extinguishing with trailer 

"added dimension of usability"

We have extinguished more than 8,000 fires!

Not only to your neighbor's, it can happen to you too!


We demonstrate our quality and ability to provide professional assistance with numerous international certificates and references. We are resolutely and persistently expanding beyond our domestic borders and establishing ourselves in new markets.

When it comes to saving lives and property, every second matters.

Do you know which dangers can threaten the safety of your home the most? Check out the latest news, latest products and trends..

Investment in creating a website and online store​ co-financed by the Republic of Slovenia and the European Union from the European Fund for Regional Development. Co-financing was obtained through the Digital Marketing Voucher.